Well I am working on writing a hook for my newest novel. The problem is, I have only written thirty pages so far. But there is a hook writing contest going on this weekend, and I could really use the practice. Heck, if I could write a good one for a book that is only thirty pages long, hopefully when it is finished I won't have any problems at all. (Yeah, right.)
I think it is almost easier to write a book than it is a hook or a query letter. The book can be 100,000 words, a hook shouldn't be more than a hundred. One would THINK that the shorter work would be easier. Right. I guess it must be in a writer's nature to be long winded. Or at least a writer like me.
I don't know why I wait until two days before the contest deadline to begin writing. It's pretty much the only way to force myself to work on it, I suppose.
I'm also not sure why I have three blogs when I can barely manage to update this one. If it weren't for my beautiful, dedicated reader, I probably wouldn't work on it at all. If a hook wasn't necessary for finding an agent, I wouldn't write that either.
I think I have gone through at least fifteen writes, rewrites, deletions, and desertions. If I had to do that with the actual book, I'd quit writing completely.
I'm writing on this blog to avoid hook writing. I created a new blog to avoid hook writing. I'm watching American Idol to avoid hook writing.