
Monday, May 21, 2007

My FAVORITE character at Disneyland!

It's about time they made Jack a character.

Unforunately, my best picture of Johnny.

This is sad, I called out to him to turn so I could take a picture, he did, and I didn't have my flash on!

More reasons to take Nicholas to visit me in Florida!

:DMater and Lightning McQueen!

I look horrificly fat, but Nicholas and Junior would appreciate this photo

Um yeah

Well I haven't updated in awhile

I just got back from California, we went to Disneyland for the Pirates 3 premiere. Unfortunately, we didn't go in early enough to get good spots, so we were at the end of the red carpet. They rushed Johnny and Orlando past us, (but I got their pictures and autographs last year at least!) And, um, well, I forgot to turn on my flash for my camera so not very many of my pictures turned out. :(

But here is a somewhat blurry one I thought Natalie might appreciate. He IS the father of Nicholas, after all. (Lex Luther) (Got HIS autograph at least)

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